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03 August 2007

"Well, some say I'm lazy."

St Clair West, Toronto, ON, 22-Jul-07

"And others say
that's just me."

Things I saw today via Radar:

Sometimes the best comment is NO COMMENT, asshole. Now keep digging that "disgusting" pit of shame and denial!

TRACK LISTING: Guns N' Roses, "One in a Million"


J.B. said...

Oh, man. That's a hell of a song to associate with this story, for SO MANY reasons. Wow.

Also: nice to see you'll visiting my town. It'd be lovely if you folk could eat a meal with Ang and I-- keep us posted as to your schedule and such. We may or may not have a houseguest that weekend, but we can work around it.

Nirmala Basnayake said...

Yeah, that song was much more carefully chosen than most, and much easier to include twenty years after its release. Axl Rose has never seemed less threatening! Yet "One in a Million" divorced from Guns N' Roses and what they've become is still unsettling for its words -- I don't care what Rose's intent was when writing them.

I try not to deliberate too intently over songs or artists when finding lyrics to associate with my posts -- most of the time I just want them to be funny in light of the entry -- but in this case, I liked that the song and artist feature both similarities and contradictions to the story at hand.

Nirmala Basnayake said...

P.S. I'll keep you posted re: Montreal!

J.B. said...

It's a difficult song, one that I've been perhaps unfair with. As an angry pre-teen looking for musical outlets, GnR and hardcore rap seemed suitable enough. I recall having quite liked this song at a puzzling point in my life when I was clearly aware that its lyrics were not anything I wanted to endorse, though at the same time I was later happy to accept Ice Cube's invective against queers, Koreans, and Jews. With the discovery of the more political (and, admittedly, white) rage of punk and hardcore, I dropped GnR like a hot potato, wrote them off as bigots, and have never been able to listen to them since. Maybe because of disgust with myself for ever having identified with them?

Perhaps it was the margin of race that allowed me not to feel so strongly associated with Ice Cube/NWA, even as I was listening to his records at the time of the LA riots and sympathizing indiscriminately (and pubescently) with the violence and anger, whose equally indiscriminate reflection in his records seemed excusable given the events of the time. It didn't take long before that logic appeared crazy and possibly racist itself, but those albums remained a guilty pleasure in a way that GnR never did. I still listen to Ice Cube with relative frequency, but haven't listened to GnR in over 15 years, and catching a mere snipped of them on the radio or at a party (why do people I know keep putting them on at parties?) is enough to make me recoil. Even today the issue of GnR vs Ice Cube remains positioned over a personal fault line I don't entirely understand.

Your positioning of the song was brilliant, though, and by all means keep me posted as per la belle ville.