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15 March 2007

"I'd met her before somewhere."

The Kitchen at Studio E, Edmonton, AB, 30-Oct-05

"I knew the face."

I left a message on Sophia's voicemail this evening.

"Soph! I JUST SAW ANNE TOSKY! I didn't stop and say hi or anything, but she looked great! Her hair is still dark, but now it's cut in a really nice bob, and she was wearing this pretty, white, trench-like winter coat. She looked like a career woman! She didn't look anything like I remember, but I guess that figures, because the last time I saw her she had teased bangs and was wearing biker shorts. YOU know."

After I hung up, I regretted not saying hello to Anne. I mean, we weren't very close in junior high, but we knew each other and weren't enemies in any way. Here's someone I hadn't seen in over fifteen years, yet I recognized her immediately as I rushed to the subway. Surely I could have missed a train or two in the interest of catching up quickly, no?

TRACK LISTING: Stiff Little Fingers, "She Grew Up"

[NOTE: Isn't the Internet great for catching up with someone without actually speaking to the person in question? It's nice to see that Anne is still a runner, but I must say that Googling never felt more like stalking than it did when looking for Anne's information a few minutes ago.]


Anonymous said...

Anne Tosky holy crap now there's a name from the past. I remember her from Loeb in the Ham where I grew up. Didn't know her all that well either but I did know that she was a really genuine and wonderful person. Found her on facebook if you're interested in getting in touch, try her there. Apparently she works for Deloitte

Nirmala Basnayake said...

Deloitte -- that explains the career-woman garb. But are you trying to start some Coalition to Add [me] to Facebook campaign? I'm not Brad De Haan, you know!